Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"

Atonik / Chapperone / Asahi SL

Type: Other, Company: Arysta LifeScience


Increased produce quality

Asahi SL treated potato, cvs. 'Bartek', 'Gawin' and 'Honorata', also treated with Harrier 295 ZC (linuron + chlomazon) herbicide, showed significantly increased marketable yield of potato tubers (+60.9%), increased tuber weight per one potato plant (+28.2%), no difference in tuber number per potato plant (-4%) and increased average weight of one potato tuber (+36.1%), compared to untreated control plants.                                                     Asahi SL treated potato, cvs. 'Bartek', 'Gawin' and 'Honorata', also treated with Harrier 295 ZC (linuron + chlomazon) herbicide, showed significantly increased marketable yield of potato tubers (+8.5%), no significant difference in tuber weight per one potato plant (+4.6%), no difference in tuber number per potato plant (-1%) and no difference in average weight of one potato tuber (+4.5%), compared to control plants treated only with herbicide.

Trial details
Outdoor, soil grown (Haplic Luvisol), three consecutive growing years


Potato, Solanum tuberosum L.

Trial application

Foliar spray
First application towards the end of emergence and second application at canopy closure
1.0 dm3/ha
Zarzecka, K., Gugała, M., Sikorska, A., Grzywacz, K. and Niewęgłowski, M.
Marketable Yield of Potato and Its Quantitative Parameters after Application of Herbicides and Biostimulants
10 (2)
Crop group