Fylloton treated Soybean, cv. Annushka/Mavka/Atlanta, grown in a field were on average 22.4 % taller, had on average 34.1 % more nodes in the main shoot, 28 % more pods per plant, a 6.1 % higher location of the first pod, a 30.7 % higher seed yield (ton/ha), 19.4 % more seeds/m², a 2.5 % lower 1000 seeds weight, pods contained on average the same amount of protein, the same amount of fats, 43.6 % more total phenols and -4.4 % less total flavonoids as compared to the untreated control. Significant results depended on the cultivar, dosage and application frequency. The double application of the highest dose was more favorable for the plant height, seed number and yield. A single treatment of the lowest dose had a favorable effect on the number of pods.