Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"


Type: Other, Company: Via Végétale


No effect on nitrogen N use efficiency
No effect on produce quality
Increased produce quality
Decreased produce quality

Glutacetine treated wheat, cv. Récital, showed no significant difference in plant dry weight, no difference in seed yield, no difference in root dry weight, no difference in straw dry weight, significantly increased grain number per spike, no difference in harvest index (+4.8%), no difference in spike number per plant (-5.7%), increased grain number per plant (+30.6%), decreased 1,000 grain weight (-12.3%), no difference in specific weight (+1.2%), no difference in protein content (-6.7%), no difference in nitrogen use efficiency (+6.2%), increased fruiting efficiency, no difference in total plant nitrogen (N), no difference in total grain N, decreased root N percentage, increased N harvest, no difference in grain N percentage, decreased straw N percentage, increased post-heading N uptake, increased % N remobilised from roots, increased senescence speed, no difference in % N remobilised from straw, no difference in phytate content in grain, no difference in phytate/Zinc molar ratio, no difference in phytate/iron molar ratio, no difference in grain potassium content (-2.2%), no difference in grain phosphorous content (-1.5%), decreased grain sulphur content (-15%), no difference in grain magnesium content (+1.6%), no difference in grain calcium content (-5.8%), increased grain sodium content (-45.3%), no difference in grain Fe content (-11.4%) no difference in grain zinc content (-4.9%), no difference in grain manganese content (+2.7%), no difference in grain copper content (+2.6%), no difference in grain molybdenum content, increased grain boron content (+13%), no difference in grain cadmium content, no difference in grain selenium content, compared to untreated control plants.

Trial details
Indoor, heated greenhouse, controlled environmental conditions, sand:perlite mixture


Wheat, Triticum aestivum L.

Trial application

Soil application + Foliar spray (last application only)
Three applications: tillering stage (GS29), 2-node stage (GS32) and heading stage (GS59)
Maignan, V., Bernay, B., Géliot, P. and Avice, J.C.
Biostimulant effects of Glutacetine and its derived formulations mixed with N fertilizer on post-heading N uptake and remobilization, seed yield and grain quality in winter wheat.
Frontiers in Plant Science
Crop group