Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"

Hold Plus

Type: Data not available, Company: Stoller


Increased produce quality
No effect on produce quality

Hold Plus treated Sweetheart cherry trees had 14.2 % lower premature fruit loss, but the effect was not stat. significant. There was no effect on skin colour either. Treated fruit had  significantly higher and more uniform firmness and also significantly higher BRIX (total soluble sugar) levels.  

Trial details
Outdoor, field trial, mature Sweetheart cherry trees, grown in optimal conditions in polytunnel


Cherry, Prunus avium

Trial application

Foliar spray
3 applications applied at: 45 days before estimated harvest; 30 days before estimated harvest; 15 days before estimated harvest
2.5 L/ha of Hold Plus, Water volume; 500 L/ha
Stoller internal report., Trial conducted by FAST, UK.
Crop group