Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"

Huminbio Microsense Seed

Type: Mix of different types, Company: Huminbio Tarım Ürünleri


Increased produce quality
Increased nitrogen N use efficiency
Increased phosphorous P use efficiency
Increased potassium K use efficiency
Increased micronutrient use efficiency
Increased yield
Increased salt stress tolerance

Huminbio Microsense Seed® treated Cherry tomato, Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme L., grown in fertile soil were significant taller, had a significant bigger stem diameter, significant more leafs, significant higher shoot and root dry weight, significant more chlorophyll, significant more clusters per plant, fruits per cluster, significant higher cluster and fruit weight, fruit diameter and width, yield, no difference in fruit dry matter, significant more totale soluble solids and vitamine C content, had significant more N%, P%, K%, Ca%, Na% in roots, shoots and fruits, and an increased micronutrient use efficiency compared to the untreated control grown in the same fertile soil. Huminbio Microsense Seed® treated Cherry tomato, Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme L., grown in stressed soil with salt stress were significant taller, had a significant bigger stem diameter, significant more leafs, a significant higher shoot and root dry weight, significant more chlorophyll, significant more clusters per plant, fruits per cluster, a significant higher cluster weight with the combined treatment, no difference in fruit weight, a significant bigger fruit diameter and width, a significant higher yield, fruit dry matter, total soluble solids and vitamine C content, had significant more N%, P%, K%, Ca%, Na% in roots, shoots and fruits and an increased antioxidant enzyme activity compared to the untreated control grown in the same stressed soil.

Trial details
indoor, greenhouse, grown in pots, natural daylight, day temperature of 30°C and night temperature of 16°C, 50% RH, irrigation, fertilization, fertile soil and stressed soil (high CaCO3 content, low organic mater content and high salinity)


Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L.

Trial application

Seed coating and seed coating + seed drench
Seed coating at planting; Seed drench: first application 14 days after sowing, followed by 5 treatments every week
Seed coating: 333 g/L; Seed drench: 1 mL/200 mL
Turan, M., Yildirim, E., Ekinci, M., & Argin, S.
Effect of Biostimulants on Yield and Quality of Cherry Tomatoes Grown in Fertile and Stressed Soils