Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"

Hydro Alga

Type: Seaweed extract, Company: Hydrofert


Increased produce quality

Hydro Alga treated Lily, cv. Brindisi, grown in a greenhouse had on average a 4.4 % shorter crop cycle, were 3.6 % taller (not sign), had 2.9 % less leaves (not sign), had a 20.6 % bigger leaf area with 7.1 % more chlorophyll, 21.6 % less flower buds, a 12.5 % bigger bud diameter, 20.6 % longer roots, 4.2 % less stem fresh (not sign) and 14.9 % more stem dry weight,  22 % more leaf fresh and 27.7 % more leaf dry weight, 6.7 % less buds fresh (not sign) and 4.1 % more buds dry weight (not sign), 12.6 % more bulb fresh (not sign) and 25.7 % more bulb dry weight, 39.7 % more bulb roots fresh and 79.4 % more bulb roots dry weight and 49.8 % more stem roots fresh and 100 % more stem roots fresh dry weight as compared to the untreated control. (for some parameters the foliar application gave better results, for other parameters the results were the same for both application methods)

Trial details
indoor, greenhouse, PVC pot filled with perlite, usual cultivation


Lily, Lilium longiflorum

Trial application

Foliar spray or soil drench
First application at 10 leaves stage, followed by 7 application with a weekly interval till flower bud differentiation
1.5 g/L soluted in distilled water; Foliar spray till dripping; Soil drench 150 mL/pot
De Lucia, B., & Vecchietti, L.
Type of Bio-Stimulant and Application Method Effects on Stem Quality and Root System Growth in L.A. Lily
Crop group