Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"


Type: Seaweed extract, Company: Omex


No effect on drought stress tolerance
No effect on nitrogen N use efficiency
No effect on produce quality

Kelpak treated Surfinia, Surfinia White, grown in peat-based substrate in reduced water and nitrogen conditions had 2.7 % less branches, 1.8 % shorter branches, 20 % more flowers (only determined at -20 % reductions), 2.5 % less fresh weight, -2.1 % less dry weight, 1.3 % less root development, a 1 % higher chlorophyll-index, a 9 % lower flavonol-index, a 34.4 % higher anthocyanin-index and a 11.7 % higher stomatal conductance compared to the untreated control grown in the same reduced conditions. No significant effects.

Trial details
Indoor, greenhouse, peat-based substrate, drought conditions (20 % or 40 % less irrigation) and reduced nitrogen (-20 % or -40%)


Surfinia, Petunia x hydrida

Trial application

Foliar spray
First application: 7-10 days after planting; repeated at 14-21 day interval up to 4 applications
2.5 L/ha
Ornamental plant research PCS
Bio4safe trial report Surfinia 2019-2020
Crop group