Kelpak treated chrysanthemum (cutflower), cv. 'Purple Star', grown in a heated greenhouse with various combinations of drought and/or nutrient stress occasionally showed significant differences in comparison to untreated control grown in the same conditions: at some assessments/stress situations vigour, leaf colour and production were significantly higher. Also, at some assessments/stress situations the concentration flavonols was significantly lower (indicating less stress). Significantly negative effects were also observed at some assessments/stress situations: a delay of flowering and a lower concentration chlorophyll. Also, analysis of the harvested crop showed - depending on the stress situation - a significantly higher concentration dry matter, magnesium, phosphorus, chloride, zinc and boron (per kg dry matter). On the other hand treatments with Kelpak led - depending again on the stress situation - to lower concentrations potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, chloride and boron (per kg dry matter)