Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"


Type: Mycorrhizal fungi, Company: Symborg


Increased produce quality
Increased water use efficiency

MycoUp treated Pepper, var. Godzilla, grown in normal conditions had at the end of the experiment 48.5 % more root colonization, a higher water use efficiency, leaves contained in the beginning and at the end 7.1 % more N (ns), 7.1 % more P (ns), the same amount of K, 2.2 % less Ca (ns), the same amount of Mg, 21.5 % more Fe, the same amount of Zn, 8.8 % less Mn (ns) and had in total a 15.3 % higher yield compared to the untreated control plants.

Trial details
indoor, greenhouse, soil grown, normal conditions


Pepper, Capsicum annuum L.

Trial application

In nutrient solution, drip irrigation
First treatment a week after sowing, followed by 0 treatments
3 kg/ha
Nicolas, E., Fernandez, F., Vicente-Sanchez, J., Pedrero, F., & Alarcon, J.J.
Physiological and agronomic influence of MycoUp on pepper plants growing under greenhouse conditions
Symborg: Natural Growth