ProAct treated Grapevine, var. Allison, grown in an orchard had a better coloration (+5.8 %, sign), had no difference in berry weight (+7%), in berry caliber (-0.1%), in soluble solid content Brix° (-1.3%), in titratable acidity (-1.6%), in hardiness at harvest (+6.7%), 3 days after storage (+1.1%), 7 days after storage (+0.3%), 10 days after storage (+4.8%), had no difference in % dehydratation after 3 days storage (+50 % more), 7 days of storage (-16.5% less dehydratation), 10 days after storage (0%), had no difference in number of cracked berries per bunch (+16.9%), % bunches with crackes berries (+9.7%), number of clusters per vine (+1.7%), kg berries per vine (-4.7%) compared to the untreated control grown under the same conditions.