Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"


Type: Protein hydrolysate, Company: Plant Health Care


No effect on produce quality
No effect on yield

ProAct treated Potato, var. Cultra, grown in a field had no difference in plant vigour on 5 different times (+1.7%), Ca content in leaves (+0.6%) or petioles (-1.9%), no difference in blackleg incidence, tuber skin loss, tuber bruising risk (-4.7%), no difference in yield (ton/ha): <45mm (-5.3%), 45-55 (-3.3%), 55-65 (-1.5%), 65-85 (+1.5%), marketable yield (-1%), total yield (-1.3%), no difference in number of tubers: <45mm (-3.5%), 45-55 (-4%), 55-65 (-2.6%), 65-85 (+2.5%), marketable number (-2.2%) and total number (-2.4%), had no differences in skin diseases: blackdot common scab, silver scruf, Rhizoctonia black scurf, distortions, netting, had no difference in internal defects and no difference in tuber Ca content (-0.2%) compared to the untreated control grown under the same conditions. 

Trial details
outdoor, unprotected, soil grown (sandy loam), according to local agricultural practices


Potato, Solanum tuberosum L.

Trial application

Foliar spray
Early treatment: First application at full emergence, followed by a second application at 21-day interval. Late treatment: First application 21-days after full emergence, followed by 2 applications at 21-days interval
150 g/Ha, 170 L/ha spraying volume
Trial report Plant Health Care
Crop group