Example, to search for all recorded cases of biostimulant use on tomato mitigate effects of drought type: "tomato, drought"

Reabilit Algas

Type: Seaweed extract, Company: Nutrimax Fertilizantes


Increased produce quality

Reabilit Algas treated Pepper, cv. Elisa (Rogers) showed on average no difference in stomatal conductance (+15.7%), no difference in number of leaves (+75%), increased in fresh mass of the aerial parts (FMAP) (+60.8%), no difference in dry mass of the aerial parts (+46.3%), no difference in length of the aerial parts (+47%), no difference in root length (+173.1%), no difference in fresh mass of the roots (+136%), no difference in dry mass of the roots (+95%), no difference in average fruit weight (+47.3%), increased total fruit mass of 6 plants (+41.7%), no difference in production of 1000 plants (+50.8%), no difference in leaf N (+69.5%), no difference in leaf P content (-9.1%), no difference in leaf K content (+23.7%), no difference in leaf Ca content (+68.8%), no difference in leaf Mg content (+77.7%), no difference in leaf S content (+47.2%) compared to untreated control plants. A concentration of 0.5% had best (significant) effect on the growth and production of the plants. A concentration of 2 % had highest effect on mineral leaf content. 

Trial details
Indoor, unheated greenhouse, substrate grown in pots (60 % ravine earth, 30 % sand, 10 % tanned bovine moisture), optimal growing conditions


Pepper, Capsicum annuum L.

Trial application

Foliar spray
First application before flowering, followed by a second application during fruit formation
0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% or 2.0% solution
Melo, P., Abreu, C., Bahcevandziev, K., Araujo, G. and Pereira, L
Biostimulant Effect of Marine Macroalgae Bioextract on Pepper Grown in Greenhouse
Applied Sciences
Crop group